I'm Vimukthi Jayasanka
a Full Stack Web Developer.

Creating amazing user experiences with modern technologies

See My Work

01. About Me

Hi! I'm a passionate full-stack developer who enjoys building modern and scalable applications. With a deep understanding of JavaScript, Java, and backend technologies, I focus on creating fast and interactive experiences.

When I'm not coding, I explore new tech trends, contribute to open-source, and share my knowledge with others.

B.Tech in Engineering Technology

University of Colombo (2018 - 2023)

Full Stack Development

IJSE (2024 - 2025)

My Toolkit

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery Figma Bootstrap Java Python Sklearn Tensorflow Postgres Docker Git Vite Linux HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery Figma Bootstrap Java Python Sklearn Tensorflow Postgres Docker Git Vite Linux

02. My Work

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